If you’ve ever purchased a home you might have had it tested for radon, if you haven’t, you may not even know what radon is. Radon is one of those hazards that many people don’t think about very often, but there is a very serious health risk associated with radon.
The CDC has a great information page that explains what radon is, how it enters your home, what health risks it poses and what you should do if your home has radon. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/brochure/profile_radon.htm
Radon is not something our company handles but it is similar to the hazards we remediate in that it you may not even know its in your home. If it is determined you have radon, through a simple charcoal test, you should have a certified radon mitigation contractor fix your home. Left unmitigated high levels of radon can cause lung cancer over the long term. According to the CDC radon is actually the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking!!
Remember that radon is not something you will see, taste or smell so your safest bet to determine whether or not you have high levels of radon in your home is to test it.
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