Over the past several years we have learned that the soil and even the drinking water in some cities throughout the United States are contaminated with high levels of lead. Lead, much like asbestos, occurs naturally in the earth, but problems start to occur when there is overexposure to lead and the effects are especially […]
Archives for April 2017
Is Asbestos Still Legal?
Asbestos is a group of 6 naturally occurring minerals, which are valued for their durability and fire resistance properties (https://www.mesothelioma.com/asbestos-exposure/what-is-asbestos.htm). Even though asbestos has been deemed a known carcinogen, you might be surprised to know that the use of asbestos is still legal (though some of its uses have been banned) and it’s used in some […]
Oroville Dam Spillway Asbestos
Asbestos can be found in countries all over the world including here in the USA, where it hides in rock formations (https://www.asbestos.net/exposure/risks/where-is-asbestos-found/). Storms in California earlier this year brought to light issues at the Oroville Dam after it was damaged in February of 2017 (http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-oroville-spillway-damage-20170220-story.html). One of these issues is that the main spillway for […]